CLEAN JOKE 006 Cat Jokes
Cat Jokes Jokes on baseball tamil friendly sindhi politically incorrect african in gujarati nun new exam santabanta fathers day rasist relationship question and answer valentines love pictures text newfie chuck norris men worlds funniest sardar of the day filthy best in the world humor presents and cat jokes. DISCLAIMER: Content beyond this point is placed by third party advertisers for the purpose of indexing their products and viewer discretion is requested. Q:What will player drink once he is thirsty? A: WattahhH!!! Q: What will player eat once he is hungry? A: WhoppahhH!!! Q: What did player tell Osama Osama bin Laden ? A: Your crude bombs are not any match for my broken rythme.... Q: What did player tell president obama? A: Flow like water ne'er go stale... Q: what's Bruce Lee's favorite vegetable? A: Mu Lee Q: what's Bruce Lee's favorite film? A: Coo Lee Q: once did player die...